


/Learn to Paint Realistic Acrylic Paintings Effortlessly
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Learn to Paint Realistic Acrylic Paintings Effortlessly

5 modules

Hindi and English

Certificate of completion

Lifetime access

<p>&quot;Unlock Your Inner Artist: Master the Art of Acrylic Painting and Create Stunning Realistic Masterpieces with Ease! You will discover learning three subjects in one video from Still-LIfe, Lips, and&nbsp;Eye painting in step by step easy following technique. Also, you will learn the basic techniques of blending acrylic without using any other medium than water. Join Now and Start Painting Effortlessly!&quot;</p>


Dive into the captivating realm of acrylic painting with this collection of three separate tutorials, carefully designed to make learning a breeze. Discover the basics of acrylic colors, as well as how to use and handle them to create lifelike still-life, lips, and eyes—no special mediums or retarders required. These tutorials focus on simple methods, ensuring that anyone can easily understand and follow along. Learn the art of color mixing, brush stroke techniques, and more, as you embark on a delightful journey of artistic exploration.


Introduction to Materials

2 attachments • 37.5 mins

Introduction To Materials - Hindi

Introduction To Materials - English

Blending Practice with Acrylic

2 attachments • 1 hrs

Blending Practice With Acrylic - Hindi

Blending Practice With Acrylic - English

Painting a Simple Still Life with Acrylic

3 attachments • 3 hrs

Realistic Still Life Painting Tutorial With Acrylic - Hindi

Realistic Still Life Painting Tutorials With Acrylic - English

Still life reference image

Realistic Lip Painting with Acrylic

3 attachments • 2 hrs

Realistic Lip Painting Tutorial With Acrylic - Hindi

Realistic Lip Painting Tutorial With Acrylic - English

Reference for Lip Painting

Realistic Eye Painting with Acrylic

3 attachments • 4 hrs

Realistic Eye Painting Tutorial With Acrylic - Hindi

Realistic Eye Painting Tutorial With Acrylic - English

Reference for Eye Painting


When you complete this course you receive a ‘Certificate of Completion’ signed and addressed personally by me.

Course Certificate

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₹ 499.00



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